Well since i am an art and multimedia student (well i try to be, what have you been doing lately?), i much combine them to my profit! And to do that i much have the right software, but first  i much decide wish path i will travel, the ways of official, famous, safe, that we know what to expect from them like the adobe collection, usually Photoshop or any cousin of his. that well could became  so so so expensive.but the main companies dont know better and  they feel better if we use this one, its more assuring that way.

Like here for example:


But then there are the brave pioneers that go trough that dark and dusty road that only few dears to walk, yes i am talking about free software, the one ine beta, with bugs, some not in there best , but dear god they are great!!  check some exemples below


so in that spirit here is a list of free software that my teacher so kindly gave me:

Blender – http://www.blender.org/
MakeHuman – http://www.makehuman.org/
LuxRender – http://www.luxrender.net/
Renderfarm.fi – http://www.renderfarm.fi/

IMAGE 2D (vectorial & raster)
Inkscape – http://inkscape.org/
GIMP – http://www.gimp.org/
MyPaint – http://mypaint.intilinux.com/
Alchemy – http://al.chemy.org/

oh and the path that i have chose? well why not both?

damn you steve jobbs!!!

Posted: Janeiro 8, 2012 in Tech
Etiquetas:, , , ,

So in my last post i wondered what was the oldest technology, but that got me thinking, ( i know a shock isn’t it), what was the newest technology, but soon i droop the idea of figuring it out, because it will be close to impossible!! every single day i new kind of change occurred in the the world of tech,  doenst matter were, in what branch it occurred, we have found a way of improving it, so it became the newest until someone find another upgrade or enhancement.. so i am sorry but if you find out the answer i will be glad to know!!! and just in case you are wondering the most used technology now a days is…… well what are you in front of?

but what about rocks?

Posted: Janeiro 8, 2012 in Tech

i was wondering in the other day what was the oldest technology ever!!! so i thought of several objects, but before i make up my mine and do some rock hard research (and by that i mean Google it) i much first decide if i consider only the modern age tech, the electronic on, or ill go back in time and accept that tools are technology too, its the progress!!! so i decided that the oldest technology ever was…..i knife!!!  in the Stone Age!! it was probably the first tool, with practical and several uses, so yeah…

Stop motion

Posted: Outubro 23, 2011 in free software
Etiquetas:, , , , ,

last week my teacher got us doing some stop motion, we worked with TUPI which  is Brazilian program that allow us to draw and work with layers, and onion skin and so on, but the down side is that only is available for Linus…. BUT if you like to do some stop motion and you like stick figures, you can download PIVOT for free, that is a great program for 2D animation.

http://pivot-stickfigure-animator.en.softonic.com/   to download

here you can see a video that i did a couple years back


Posted: Outubro 5, 2011 in free software
  1. I just crated this blog for on of my classes, and in this i will write  several things that  i did, seen, our eared  that involve technology  and computers, is it software our hardware, doesn’t  matter. At least once a week i will post an entry and try not to be very boring